Just some mental meanderings. Mostly restaurant reviews and, well, rants.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Friendliest Church in the World

We visited a little local church that meets in a school last Sunday. Gonna give them another visit this weekend (assuming I am back from near flu-y death!).

On walking in the door and looking lost, a girl about the age of the wife came up and started chatting. Her boyfriend (I wonder if he hates the word fiance as much as I did?) then joined us, and we chatted away for almost 30 minutes until the service started. And then again afterwards, and they introduced us to their friends.

The service was started and ended with food. Lots of food, and tea/coffee.

The service itself was very normal, and while the building was freezing (they actually hand you a blanket with your notice-sheet as you enter the hall), the people were very friendly indeed.

It reminded me of a church I once visited in Edinburgh, where I had nine - count them - nine! invitations to lunch between leaving my seat and reaching the back door. I think that was the friendliest church in the world. Bellevue Chapel in Edinburgh, we salute you!

But this church did come a close second. Many people were similar ages to us which, while not essential, does help with the banter.

They were also very normal. The didn't appear to be being friendly in order that we should attend their church, there was no pressure to fill in an attendance card ("there's a visitor's book if you want to use it but you don't have to so really don't bother if you don't want to"), and they talked about normal things. You know, the weather. Their jobs. The church.

A very pleasant experience. Definitely worth repeating. And all the more so because the two we met are not going to be there this week - so we'll see if it's common at their church :-)


boxthejack said...


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