Just some mental meanderings. Mostly restaurant reviews and, well, rants.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Your visit is important to us...

I realise it's been ages since I posted anything, so here's something on the same theme as the last post...

Passed a church yesterday that I had visited in the past. New outside now is a bit electronic display board that flashes 'WELCOME' in capital letters.

Problem is, I've been there several times, and never felt welcome. In fact, I've each time I've visited I've tried to chat to make converstation, and found it all but impossible to break into the fellowship (is that something you're supposed to have to break in to?).

Anyway, I couldn't help but think that the sign reminded me rather of those hold messages 'Your call is important to us, please hold and we'll connect you to the next available operator'... 'Your salvation is important to us.... please hold for the next available pastor...'?

Thing is, a sign is only really of any use if it reflects accurately the thing which it indicates. What use a sign on a shop window saying 'Open' when the door is locked?

The problem is, politics has taught us that it's all about the signs these days. More aspiration than statement of fact, many labels we see in passing, read or hear are there to entice us with what the writer hopes we'll believe, whether it's there or not.

I hope that this one is an exception and is in fact now, reality.

Perhaps I'll pop in some day and find out :-)

Please don't write at me and say 'you're being critical' - yes, yes, I am. Criticism is good. There. Happy?

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